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Category: Running and Triathlon Tips & Articles

Race Day Preparations

Race Day Preparations

For this post, I am joining the girls at  You Signed Up For WHAT?!, The Cupcake Triathlete, and The TriGirl Chronicles for TriTalk Tuesdays to discuss race day preparations (yes, even though my post ends up being friday and not tuesday).    Race day can be somewhat of a monster, considering all the time you’ve spent in training. Many a times, I’m so lost in training that I don’t give a thought to race day. In fact, I don’t want to think about…

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Kids Triathlon: Lessons from Little Miss FauxTriathlete

Kids Triathlon: Lessons from Little Miss FauxTriathlete

My Little Miss FauxTriathlete (8) is in training! She had her first “group training” for the kids triathlon and it focused on the bike. Specifically, how to pass another person on a bike. She has been riding for a grand total of 1 month and is very nervous rider. When she saw the ten or so other kids with their bikes, some with fancy bikes and some with cute bikes w/streamers, she was super nervous. Remembering how nervous I was…

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What do I need for my First Triathlon

What do I need for my First Triathlon

So you want to Tri? You are a brand new wannabe triathlete and you don’t know where to start or how to sift through the overwhelming information. This post “What do I need for my First Triathlon” is meant to help a newbie who is looking to do their first triathlon (or an only triathlon) and does not want to spend anything more than they really have to. When I did my first triathlon in 2011, I was a newbie…

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Date Night with Andy Potts

Date Night with Andy Potts

When all3sports announced the weekend with Andy Potts, Professional Triathlete and multiple 70.3 & 140.6 winner;  my first thought went to the evening with Craig Alexander, again organized by all3sports. I was super excited about meeting Crowie and then life (and my minions) took over and I missed the event. So this time, I was determined to not let to let that happen and instead dragged my minions along (if you’d cannot beat them, join them!)! But other than the…

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Spectating a Race with Kids

Spectating a Race with Kids

This past weekend, I was at Augusta for the 70.3 Half Ironman. Not to race it, but to support and cheer my husband in this first (almost) triathlon. I’ve always known that I’ve missed my calling as a race cheerleader because the next best thing to being in the race is cheering the racers. I love the adrenalin rush and love the overwhelming feeling of motivation that comes over me. I’m quite ready to hulk over and sign up for…

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