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Tag: runDisney

Dopey Challenge Race Report – The Marathon

Dopey Challenge Race Report – The Marathon

The day of the marathon started bright and early! Not really bright, but certainly early!  (Maybe I should stop calling it the start of the day and just refer to it as the continuation of the previous night’s party!)  Surprisingly, I wasn’t feeling nervous. All my nervousness was spent the day before during the half marathon, when I could barely get my breaths straight in the beginning! I was feeling surprisingly good for having run 22.4 miles over the past…

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Dopey Challenge Race Report – Half Marathon

Dopey Challenge Race Report – Half Marathon

After 3 nights of early wakeups and late bedtimes, I was so tired the night before that Shawna says I fell asleep mid-paragraph! And hence missed the start time memo. It was a hurried departure and we got slightly stuck behind merging lanes of traffic. But that helped us get a spot closer to the entrance! So all was good.  For the half marathon, we went as Pirates ready to have a jolly good time! The weather turned from hot…

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Dopey Challenge Race Report – 10K

Dopey Challenge Race Report – 10K

After kicking off the Dopey Challenge with the 5K on Thursday, our strategy should’ve been to kick back and put our feet up. Instead, I dragged everyone along to Harry Potter world in the afternoon. And we walked around a ton (well, du’h!). So I showed up to the start of the 10K on Friday  Sleepy With aching legs. Make that killer aching legs. but complete with awesome costume for our themed race!  I had teamed up with Julie Anderson…

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Dopey Challenge Race Report – 5K

Dopey Challenge Race Report – 5K

We started off the Dopey Challenge 2015 with the 5K race on Day 1. The race was starting “only” at 6:15am, so not so bad wakeup time.  The weather ended up being cold and windy! Luckily, the costumes I had designed was going to be ok even with layers and layers inside! So the Fab 3 layered up to start the 5K. We drove up early enough and huddled inside the JDRF tent with the other supporters.  The 5k starts…

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Dopey Challenge Race Report – Expo

Dopey Challenge Race Report – Expo

The entire Dopey Challenge is such a huge saga that it needs to be in 4-6 parts! After plenty of freakouts during the taper week, my Dopey buddies and I started the drive down to the world on Wednesday. After a fun drive and a short stop for lunch at Panera in Gainsville, Florida (thanks to Ajit who had mapped out lunch stops earlier), we reached the Walt Disney World around 2:30-3pm. We headed straight to the packet pickup. The…

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Dopey Challenge – The Week Before

Dopey Challenge – The Week Before

This week is the BIG adventure! The Dopey Challenge starts in TWO days when I shall run a 5k on Wednesday, 10k on Thursday, Half Marathon on Saturday and Marathon on Sunday totaling 48.6 miles over 4 days! I am excited and nervous at the same time. But determined to have a fun time and be strong all throughout. How does nervousness manifest itself? I obsess over the training, or the ONE week that wasn’t as expected. And then I obsess…

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Training for Dopey Challenge – Weekend 1

Training for Dopey Challenge – Weekend 1

This was my first weekend of LONG training for Dopey Challenge! And nothing prepares you mentally for a LONG long run like the weather channel forecasting 100% rain during the exact 5 hours you expect to be out. I wasn’t looking forward to running that long in the rain, I didn’t want to either. But the alternative of changing my run days wasn’t an option either. I sort of knew what the answer would be and I didn’t want to sound…

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