Dopey Challenge – The Week Before

Dopey Challenge – The Week Before

This week is the BIG adventure! The Dopey Challenge starts in TWO days when I shall run a 5k on Wednesday, 10k on Thursday, Half Marathon on Saturday and Marathon on Sunday totaling 48.6 miles over 4 days! I am excited and nervous at the same time. But determined to have a fun time and be strong all throughout.

How does nervousness manifest itself?

I obsess over the training, or the ONE week that wasn’t as expected.

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One of the training freakouts I posted about. I had plenty more on the privacy of my treadmill.

And then I obsess over the weather. 

The originally predicted temps.
The originally predicted temps.

And I went ballistic over a raw mango that Mr. FauxTriathlete brought home ONE of when I asked him to bring “some raw mangoes”.

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Thank heavens I only had a short 2 week taper (1.5 if you consider that Dopey starts on Thursday).


Then I worried over every little niggle and sniffle.

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I can never tell if taper pains are real or phantom!

Finally I freaked out about packing everything and made color coded lists for each ziploc baggie!

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Micro-Lists are my way of dealing with the feeling of being overwhelmed.

But I’m not done with my freakouts yet! I keep remembering things that I need. Some small thing I may have missed about my costume (Just yesterday, I discovered that I didn’t have red compression socks and the vendor list at the expo only had super high end products that I didn’t want to spend $$$ on. Luckily, FusionSports USA came to my rescue with red sleeves!).
And things that I am not going to be able to do – making sure that the minions have someone to look after them incase Mr. FauxTriathlete comes home late. And all groceries done for the week. And just being a mom. 


It is certainly not easy being this Dopey! 

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How do you deal with taper madness?!

Connect with me on other social channels as I take on the Dopey Challenge over the week! 

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