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Tag: Strength Training

Simple Exercises to Strengthen Hips and Glutes

Simple Exercises to Strengthen Hips and Glutes

After my scare with my knee a couple of weeks ago (in detail at the bottom of this post) and hesistant about starting a strength training routine just 12 weeks from my marathon, I read up on strength training DURING marathon training (on Active articles, Jason Fitz’s Strenght Running, Jeff’s Runners Connect and more). These were simple short exercises that isolated muscle groups and worked to “activate” them. So glute exercises were meant to activate the glutes – often dormant in many…

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I’m Going to Bootcamp

I’m Going to Bootcamp

Last week while catching up on my blog readings, I came across one that mentioned doing an online bootcamp. Huh? An online bootcamp? I was intrigued and had to check it out. Scheduled by Tina Raele and called “Best Body Bootcamp”, the description read “An 8 Week Fitness Program adapted for all fitness levels and geared to improving your lifestyle.” I have been trying to land on a strength training routine and was having time conflict issues trying to find…

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30 Day Shred – Day 3

30 Day Shred – Day 3

“Mummy, are you ready now?”, asked my 5 yo for the 500th time today.“Not yet, Honey, just 5 more minutes”.“Mummy, you have been saying that since morning and now its almost dinner time.” We finally did Day 3 of the Shred at 5pm after she had been trying to get me start since 9:30 a.m.

30 Day Shred – Day 2

30 Day Shred – Day 2

“Wake up, Mummy. Its time to exercise.” Yelled my 5 yo in my ear at 7:30am.“But Darling. Mummy had a late night and is sleepy”.“Mummy, lets finish it up and you can go back to sleep. Come ON!” And so, muttering under my breath with a plastic smile on my face, we did Day 2.

30 Day Shred – Day 1

30 Day Shred – Day 1

“This is so much fun. Can we do it everyday?” asks my 5 year old who did the whole thing (minus push ups) with me.“Yes, Honey. But sometimes Mummy has other things going on.”“How about we do it in the morning after breakfast before you start work? I’ll remind you everyday Mummy.”“Geez thanks, my little trainer.”

Strength Training – The challenge of the First Step

Strength Training – The challenge of the First Step

Remember my goal as I approach my mid-30?A – for efforts to stick to the plan of strength training.F – for actual execution of the plan. Here’s what I tried, my experience and the one routine I’m going to stick with to move forward.p90x Why should I do it? – Everyone raves about it, it has a wide variety of exercises, it really shows the results in 90 days, etc.  What’s stopping me from doing it? – Way too tough for my fitness…

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