Vegetarian Recipes & Nutrition

Recipe: Cauliflower 65

Recipe: Cauliflower 65  This literally made me taste heaven!
Recipe: Cauliflower 65
This literally made me taste heaven!

I’m usually not a recipe sharer, mainly because I’m not very experimental and I am bad at taking food photos. Also, I cook a lot of Indian food for which there are better bloggers! But today’s cooking was such an absolute delight that I had to share it! It is the recipe of Cauliflower 65. For those familiar with Indian food this is (apparently) just like Chicken 65, which is a popular appetizer. But adapted for vegetarians using cauliflower.


Cauliflower 65
For those familiar with Indian food this is (apparently) just like Chicken 65, which is a popular appetizer. But adapted for vegetarians using cauliflower.
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  1. One head of cauliflower, cut and blanched
  2. 3 tsp all purpose flour
  3. 3-4 tsp corn starch
  4. salt
  5. ginger garlic paste
  6. finely chopped cilantro leaves
  7. 1 finely chopped Onion
  8. finely chopped ginger and garlic - 2/3 tsp
  9. 3-4 tsp of soy sauce
  10. 2 tsp yogurt
Prepare the cauliflower florets
  1. Blanch the cauliflower florets (add in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and then place in ice cold water until cool to touch) and keep aside.
  2. In a bowl mix salt, all purpose flour, corn starch and ginger garlic paste into a fairly thick liquid with some water.
  3. Pour this liquid mixture on top of the blanched cauliflower florets and mix them together so that the florets are completely coated.
  4. Heat oil in a pan and fry the florets (you could also bake them - I'm going to try that soon!) and keep aside.
For the sauce
  1. start by heating a little oil in a pan.
  2. Add the finely chopped onion along with the chopped ginger and garlic
  3. Once the onion has cooked to a slight browning, add soy sauce and yogurt.
  4. Let it boil until the extra moisture has evaporated.
  5. Add in the florets and toss.
  6. Garnish with chopped cilantro.
  1. Except for the process of having to fry the florets, the whole recipe is fairy simple and it took me all of 25 minutes from the time I took the Cauliflower head out of the refrigerator to the time I dug into it with my fork!
Adapted from VahChef
Adapted from VahChef
Faux Runner
Bad photography aside, believe me, this is an awesome way to eat cauliflowers. It got the approval from my 8yo and 5yo too!

Except for the process of having to fry the florets, the whole recipe is fairy simple and it took me all of 25 minutes from the time I took the Cauliflower head out of the refrigerator to the time I dug into it with my fork!

Do you like Indian food? What is your favorite? Do you make any at home?
Also share your favorite recipe for cauliflowers!

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