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Tag: Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon – The " What If " Marathon

Chicago Marathon – The " What If " Marathon

So … where do I start the race report for Chicago Marathon 2012? The injury scares in the beginning of the season, gingerly putting my feet back in and following a slightly modified long run schedule, then getting into the full swing of things and busting to train to this time goal I had in mind, excited and nervous and more excited and then … The week before the marathon – was I getting sick or was it nerves? A…

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Pictures from Chicago

Pictures from Chicago

  Cheesy Excited Grin!         HOT! Ugh!   Would have been nice if they hadn’t cut my arm off! Rocking on!   I see the Finish Line!   Yaaaahoooooo !!!!! Oh – This is NOT the actual finish line. I had taken my visor off for the real line! Bling Bling! Muah! All my Love!     Very nice photo, but I find the background too busy.      

Goals for my First Marathon

Goals for my First Marathon

As with everything else, I’ve been thinking and rethinking and then thinking some more about what my goals are for Chicago. I’m thinking KISS.  Keep It Simple Stupid. So with that theory – My goal is to finish. I want that bling on my neck. Finishing with a smile instead of grimace would be nicer. End of statement. But … I don’t do things simple. I need plan A, B, C, D, …… and then forget everything in the heat of the moment and…

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6 Days to Chicago – Defining Goals

6 Days to Chicago – Defining Goals

As with everything else, I’ve been thinking and rethinking and then thinking some more about what my goals are for Chicago. I’m thinking KISS.  Keep It Simple Stupid. So with that theory – My goal is to finish. I want that bling on my neck. Finishing with a smile instead of grimace would be nicer.End of statement. But … I don’t do things simple. I need plan A, B, C, D, …… and then forget everything in the heat of the…

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21 Days to Chicago – The Last Long Run

21 Days to Chicago – The Last Long Run

A wonderful run to end a long season of long runs! I read Coach David’s “Secrets of Marathoning” that he posted beforehand (Thanks, Coach!) a million times to understand what I needed to do on this 21mile, mock race run. I knew I could go the distance, I wanted to know at what pace I could. And I still wanted to make it in time to catch the seminar. Everyone took off the first 2 miles! And I had a…

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27 Days to Chicago – Suck it up, Buttercup

27 Days to Chicago – Suck it up, Buttercup

I stayed up tracking the Get Fit Atlanta athletes at Ironman Wisconsin. The results hit me smack with a shock. The next time I whine or brag about my marathon attempt, I shall think back to these amazing people who swam 2.6 miles, biked 112 miles (a distance I’m not too happy to drive in a CAR), and THEN ran a full 26.2 miles marathon.  I am just doing a small portion of what these people did.  So – suck…

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