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Category: Triathlon

Looking Back at 2015

Looking Back at 2015

Just 2 days ago, I FINALLY cut off my participation bracelet from Ironman 70.3 Augusta. A lot of mentors cheered me on that I was finally beginning to look ahead. And I guess with it being just 10 more days to a new year, it was about time. Looking ahead, moving onward. Although I still want to take a moment to recap looking back at 2015.  Simply put, 2015 was an amazing year for me. I set myself challenges that…

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Is this a GoodBye Post?

Is this a GoodBye Post?

This was a post that is months overdue (in my defense, I haven’t blogged much since the race).  In spite of the warm glow of post-race Augusta, I can no longer deny it. Since the end of the #LongRoadToAugusta, I’ve been on a break with my coach and I’m starting to wonder if this is the end of the road for us … And whether it is now or later, saying goodbye to your coach is never easy. Mike was…

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Post Ironman 70.3 Augusta Blues

Post Ironman 70.3 Augusta Blues

I’ve been trying to write this post, but struggling to.  It’s been a month since Augusta 70.3 and I took sometime to process my thoughts.  After a 2 week “being proud” period when I rejoiced in my accomplishment and nothing else, I went back and looked at my race data and race experience. I can say that I have no regrets about my race performance. I had a great day and I put in what I felt was my best…

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Tri The Parks: A Time to Celebrate

Tri The Parks: A Time to Celebrate

Tri The Parks is a triathlon race series put on by Blue Sky Sports team in Georgia. It is a great series and they assign points to every racer in each race and at the end of it all give out the series awards. This year, Tri the Parks featured a triathlon series, duathlon series, aquabike series and one aquathlon and they offered multi race discounts to make it enticing for athletes to enter a whole bunch of them. I raced…

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What Next? The Off Season

What Next? The Off Season

The long awaited #LongRoadToAugusta finally reached its destination last weekend and that brings the question – what road will I take next? After months and months of training (since July of last year actually), with weekends being occupied by either long runs or long bikes, with lots of early morning swim or runs, with some late night trainer rides, with a LOT of emotional upheaval, with every day’s focus dictated by training peaks, this is new territory for me. I…

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Ironman 70.3 Augusta Race Report #LongRoadToAugusta

Ironman 70.3 Augusta Race Report #LongRoadToAugusta

Sometime mid last year after I finished a Sprint Tri on 8 days of “training”, I had a crazy idea. So crazy that I immediately banished it, but so crazy that I couldn’t help keep thinking about it. I wanted to do  Ironman 70.3 Augusta. There was a small catch though – along with being a slow swimmer and runner, I didn’t know how to ride! And hence began the #LongRoadToAugusta These past 15 months, I’ve trained, I’ve learnt, I’ve had breakthroughs,…

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Gary’s Augusta Half Ironman Race Report

Gary’s Augusta Half Ironman Race Report

This is Gary’s Race Report for Ironman 70.3 Augusta. He was nice enough to let me host the report when I asked around for race reports to compile in my Augusta Half Ironman section of the blog.   This was to be my second attempt at the 70.3 triathlon distance; 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run. My first 70.3 was the Rev 3 Anderson, SC last fall, which was a great introduction to the distance, and…

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