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Category: World News

Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015

Monday was “Marathon Monday” with Boston Marathon 2015 and thanks to the world of the interwebz, people in office cubicles in places like Atlanta were able to watch the live streaming of the race. And once the elite coverage was done, we were able to follow it through twitter, facebook and other social media.   Every marathon is inspiring. And with its huge history, the Boston Marathon is no less inspiring. The fact that you have to qualify to run the…

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Memories from a Back of the Pack Runner

Memories from a Back of the Pack Runner

I’ve always been a back of the pack runner. I finish in the bottom 20% regularly. And while I’ve done my best to get faster, I seem to be perpetually slow. Always. (Another topic for another day). I have also been amongst the bottom 5% (or maybe the bottom 1% even), especially when I was starting out. In the super early days of this blog, I wrote a short post about my first 10k, the Chattahoochee Challenge 10k. “It was…

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Cyclists Hit at New Orleans

Cyclists Hit at New Orleans

A group of us made the trip to New Orleans in 2012 to run the Rock ‘N Roll Marathon. While passing the various bodies of water, the triathletes amongst us remarked on the incredible choppiness (and perhaps a bit murkiness) of the water. That was my first introduction to a triathlon event in New Orleans. This past week, New Orleans 70.3 Ironman Triathlon was in the thoughts of a lot of triathletes. Not just the ones with friends and family racing….

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Tu-Tu Magnificient

Tu-Tu Magnificient

Running world was taken by storm this week. After the selfie bandit runner at the Georgia Half Marathon (who continues to get coverage from media outlets who think her stunt was extremely funny instead of wrong); there was this, SELF Magazine criticizing tutu runners – SELF Magazine’s ridicule of the tutu runners had almost everyone up in arms against them. One of the main reasons runners of every kind – serious, age group winners, recreational, back of packers, fun runners and…

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Selfie Bandit at Georgia Half Marathon

Selfie Bandit at Georgia Half Marathon

In any race, you can see all sorts of people – different sizes, different hairstyles, different clothes, different pace, … but there was someone entirely different this Sunday – a Selfie Bandit at Georgia Half Marathon. Anyone who reads my race reports knows that I take pictures during a race. Lots of pictures. In fact, I was chastised for that habit right after my first marathon. But selfies now … Even though it is the easiest way to get your mugshot into…

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Mizuno: What if Everybody Ran

Mizuno: What if Everybody Ran

I came across the new brand campaign from Mizuno:  “What if Everybody Ran?” and was immediately smitten by it! (Other than a runner, I am a user experience architect in real life and this campaign was gorgeous, designed to catch the eye and very easy to read through!) Of course, it also helps that I am a Mizuno Wave Inspire girl 🙂     Mizuno has statistics to show emotional, economic, health, etc impacts from running. But each of us runners…

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It’s not what the body looks like, It’s what the body can do for you

It’s not what the body looks like, It’s what the body can do for you

Sometimes I am reminded that, no matter how much I protest, I am now a special brand of crazy called an (faux)athlete. This was one such occasion. On Tuesday night, the Biggest Loser finale results was on a lot of people’s feed, especially in the fitness social media. A former swimming champion, Rachel won the $250K prize money by losing the most body percentage fat of all the remaining contestants. Yay! Except, she apparently looked “too thin”. (I say apparently,…

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