World News

Tu-Tu Magnificient

Running world was taken by storm this week. After the selfie bandit runner at the Georgia Half Marathon (who continues to get coverage from media outlets who think her stunt was extremely funny instead of wrong); there was this, SELF Magazine criticizing tutu runners –

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The BS Meter : SELF Magazine crossing the line

SELF Magazine’s ridicule of the tutu runners had almost everyone up in arms against them. One of the main reasons runners of every kind – serious, age group winners, recreational, back of packers, fun runners and more came together was – Monika, one of the girls featured was running the LA Marathon while undergoing chemotherapy for brain cancer. She’s also one of two founding members of a company called Glam Runner, which makes and sells tutus to raise money for the charity Girls on the Run.

SELF finally offered an apology.

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Too late too little and entirely missing the point.

SELF apologized for putting their foot in their mouth, but only AFTER they realized that Monika had cancer.

So they went oops, we picked the wrong woman.

Any other woman running in a tutu was fair target for them.

Why that ridicule for women running in tutus (and skirts, as was the debate a couple years ago)? Why that ridicule for women running in whatever they choose to wear?

Women (and men too) should be applauded for running a marathon or a 5k or anything else in between and beyond. Support them. No matter their dress, their shape, their pace, anything. Just support them. Women face criticism from other women in so many areas of life – professional setting, as a mom, in our choices. We are always pitted against one another. Why? Why can’t we let each other be and be criticism free to make the best choice for the individual us?

But you know what is an epidemic? Women training for their run and ENJOYING their runs! Like these awesome women who shared their tutu running photos with me.

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Who wouldn’t want to be like these cuties?!! Run and in a Tutu? Yes, of course!
Photo Credit: Kierstn Hollifield


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Santa approves of the tutu!
Photo Credit: Katherine Brooks


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How can one believe that ‘running sucks’ when she looks so happy in her tutu!
Photo Credit: Julia Stewart


Disney races have a special place for tutued runners

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Olympian Jeff Galloway didn’t have a problem hugging tutu-ed runners after the runDisney Enchanted 10k.
Photo Credit: Paula Jackson Tew
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Showing off the Castle and her tutu.
Photo Credit: Kierstn Hollifield
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When Belle meets Cinderella!
Photo Credit: Kierstn Hollifield and Kimberly Stroh
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An adorable Jessie!
Photo Credit: Tracie Moore Jackson
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Her tutu has the best admirers!
Photo Credit: Kimberly Stroh
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She could take a couple of swings in her tutu, no problem.
Photo Credit: Deanna Trimmer Stokes
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Her tutu is certainly fit for royalty.
Photo Credit: Deanna Trimmer Stokes
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Wonder woman at the Wine and Dine!
Photo Credit: Amy from Mom’s Magical Miles
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Tutus stand out even when it is dark:30 in the corrals!
Photo Credit: Kim Pritchett Wilfert
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This tutu packed some solid glitter power at the Princess Half Marathon 2013.
Photo Credit: Bonnie Ahl Goodheart


And then there is Brandi, who is always smiles and fun! And her mother joins in the fun, tutu included!

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Christmas Spirit!
Photo Credit: Brandy Gilbert
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We love Tutus!
Photo Credit: Brandy Gilbert
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Getting together for the cure!
Photo Credit: Brandy Gilbert


Colour runs are fun, made ever more fun by tutus!

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What’s more fun than matching tutus!
Photo Credit: Kim Duncan
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Her tutu mirrors the colors from her run.
Photo Credit: Meghan Gorny

And it’s always funner with runner friends all in tutus!

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Wine and Cheese tutu!
Photo Credit: Meghan Gorny


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Supergirl Tutus
Photo Credit: Kim Pritchett Wilfert


Tutus and every kind of running dress or costume rock, as long as they keep you running.

And as Boromir says, one does NOT make fun of a runner’s tutu.

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Thanks to twitterworld for this! No idea who started the meme.

Thanks to everyone who shared their pictures with me. This post would not be possible without you all !

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