I must be one of the rare people who actually likes training indoors. Obviously, outdoors is the best. But I’m faced with so many time and logistical constraints that having resources at home lets me continue training without too many breaks. All I need is to make sure that I wake up early enough to get the workout done! So instead of sharing Five “indoor” workouts, I’m sharing five activities that I like doing indoors for the Friday Five.
1. Treadmill
People refer to it as the dreadmill, but to me it is a life saver! I did all the weekday runs in my first 2 years of running on my treadmill. Even when training for my first marathon, I ran on the treadmill all the time (except for the long run and interval mondays that I really enjoyed going to track with the group). With a baby at home, and a husband who travelled Monday-Friday, that was my only option. I watched the ‘Spirit of the Marathon’ so many times that I knew every dialogue!
2. Swimming Pool
Does this classify as a proper ‘indoor’ workout? I like to think so because I like to go swimming on the days it is insanely cold outside. I have to battle those 2 X 90 seconds from car to the front door and back, but then would have the warm pool water! (Warm is an understatement. My pool is kept to 84F!) And then the bliss of sitting in the hot tub for more warmth!
3. Bike Trainer
(Looks like the top 3 spots are occupied by the three disciplines that I’m training for!). The inventor of the bike trainer is pure genius! Even though the trainer can never substitute the rolling terrain (The simple trainer, that is. Fancy ones do everything!), or teach you practical tips on how to stay upright on the road for long distances, it helps in getting your legs moves and to your bottom being on that bike saddle!
4. Yoga
This one is a no brainer. Very easy to do anywhere with no equipment. Even a change of clothes is not needed! At my level of fitness and flexibility, I combine stretching with yoga. I have my routine going through 7 Sun Salutations with additions of pigeon and a couple of other poses. For a change, I also like videos that target runner muscles (Runner’s World has a bunch of videos). And the ‘Stretch’ of the p90x series is one of my absolute favorites.

Lots of moaning, groaning and whining today during Mankukasana (frog pose) and Malasana (garland pose).
5. House Cleaning/Organization
Seriously! Don’t laugh on this one. When I need a good workout and I don’t have the time to go and do it, it usually means that I am overwhelmed with things and the housefront is presenting a challenge. Rolling up my sleeves and blasting some music while I tackle things gives me a great worktout, especially as it usually involves some kind of heavy furniture moving or heavy scrubbing. Although I have to confess that this is my least favorite workout of the five I’ve listed.
What is your favorite indoor workout?
I’m joining the Friday Five Link Up hosted by DC area bloggers Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed Up For What?! And the Fitness Friday LinkUo with Jill Conyers.
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