
Raffle: Win a Garmin 920XT w/HRM

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You know I’m a gear junkie and my friend Laurie is hosting a raffle benefiting the Scott Rigsby Foundation. You can win a Garmin 920XT !! The Garmin 920XT with heart rate monitor retails for $499. To see the full functions and features of this watch, check this out DC Rainmaker’s in-depth review.

Tickets are $35.00 each or 3 for $100

Make your donation directly to Laurie’s fundraising page and put “raffle” in the notes. Raffle will be done officially on Raffle River. The drawing will be held on Monday September 21st at noon.

I met Laurie at the Chattahoochee Road Race 10k back in March when Julie from Run Walk Repeat introduced us to each other as triathletes. I strongly suspect that Julie was trying to stop each of us from talking her into tris and turned us onto each other. Laurie and I hit it off and she jumped both feet in to do Augusta 70.3 with me. She contacted the Scott Rigsby Foundation to fundraise and here she is – about $900 away from her fundraising goal! 


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