Running Bloggers of Atlanta Dinner

Running Bloggers of Atlanta Dinner

This past Monday, Elizabeth from RunningForBling hosted a holiday dinner for some running bloggers. (She had one last year, but I was in Disney at that time!). Although I had interacted with Elizabeth on Twitter & Instagram, this was my first time meeting her in real life (if you exclude the fleeting 12 second ‘hello’ just two days before while running.)

We had a little White Elephant gift exchange. There were some awesome packages that people put together including a runners throwaway set for those fall/spring races with gloves, hat, PJs and a sweatshirt! I put together a fuel package with Gus, Chomps, etc. And I stole this awesome beanie from Nathan that has blinkie lights in the front and back! Anyone who has seen me knows that I dress up like a Christmas tree on my morning runs! So I HAD to have this! I’ll be testing it out this Saturday during my 5:30am long run.

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Nathan DomeLight SkullCap

Apart from Jesica of rUnLadyLike and Amy, I was meeting everyone else for the first time. Even though I knew some of them through social media. Fun times to see people out of running clothes and all dressed up!

Along with the gift exchange, there was a short introduction along with 2014 accomplishments and 2015 goals. The most popular ones were having a baby, running a first marathon and BQ! I loved how much energy was in that room!


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I know I should tag everyone with their blogs and social media ID, but I’m being lazy and will link to Elizabeth’s Instagram post where she tags everyone. So one extra click for you to follow some wonderful women!


Connect with me on other social channels!


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