Life Running

Running/Training Like a Mother

When Lorraine at Run Wifey sent an invitation for the chance to meet Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea, the authors of Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother (Another Mother Runner), I was super thrilled ! I love their books and their articles on Runners World. 
Needless to say, it was a great event with a lot a giveaways (of course, I didn’t win any) and book reading from Train Like a Mother, the new book (which I’m kind of sad that I’d already bought a kindle copy or I could’ve got a signed print version). I met a lot of great moms, bloggers, and runners; some of them famous names in the world of blogging! I had taken some of my “business cards” (more like a card with my blog name printed on it using a home printed and cardstock) and unashamedly gave them out.
Dimity and Sarah took the time to talk to me and I was thrilled beyond everything! Of the many things I learnt that day, one thing has stuck with me. On a conversation about races, I mentioned how I was trying to race better since I run so conservatively at the beginning that I have a lot of energy left even after the race. Sarah said that when I race I need to learn to empty it all out on the course. And that resonates perfectly with my goals for the season!
Thank you both for a wonderful evening! And thank you even more for the personal tweet-reply in the morning; that made my day! 
I’m “only” 5’3″ but these girls are tall, really tall 🙂

Sooo much fun to hang out with my running girls! 

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