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Tag: Running

Heroes in Recovery 6k

Heroes in Recovery 6k

2 weekends ago, I ran a rather usual race – the Heroes in Recovery 6k. Instead of a regular 5k distance, this had an extra km. “The Roswell Heroes 6K is a unique run/walk presented by Foundations Atlanta. A Heroes in Recovery 6K is a 3.728 mile race that brings together those in recovery, their loved ones, supporters of the cause and whole communities in order to break the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health conditions. It takes a heroic effort to live clean…

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Racing a 5k: Mental Chatter

Racing a 5k: Mental Chatter

Those who have met me in real life know that I never stop talking while running. Not even when running alone. My mind just talks to itself and comes up with interesting/boring dialogues (Is it still a dialogue if it is the same person doing both sides? Maybe it IS a dialogue because it feels like my mind is two different people. I digress …). So of course, when I was racing a 5k by myself, mental chatter was plenty, even in…

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Training Recap – Never Say Never Again

Training Recap – Never Say Never Again

Never Say Never Again. As this training recap will show, the saying is right! I enjoyed doing the Acworth Women’s Sprint Triathlon last year but  this year my focus was on getting ready for Ragnar Napa and then the Dopey Challenge.  Just on Wednesday night, I was telling a friend how I would NOT do a triathlon this year because I didn’t have time to train for it. And on Thursday, I was offered an entry and I had signed up!…

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Memories from a Back of the Pack Runner

Memories from a Back of the Pack Runner

I’ve always been a back of the pack runner. I finish in the bottom 20% regularly. And while I’ve done my best to get faster, I seem to be perpetually slow. Always. (Another topic for another day). I have also been amongst the bottom 5% (or maybe the bottom 1% even), especially when I was starting out. In the super early days of this blog, I wrote a short post about my first 10k, the Chattahoochee Challenge 10k. “It was…

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Training Recap – Doing things that are Fun!

Training Recap – Doing things that are Fun!

Every once in a while, you find yourself in the middle of things and they make you go “Huh? Why exactly am I doing this?” and then you realize that you do it because you are enjoying it, even though it might not serve a bigger purpose. This week’s training recap highlights that for me. Monday Started off the week with a PR – a back squat 1 rep PR of 75lbs (!!!). Wowzers! I know it was only 1…

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BRFs and Mind over Body

BRFs and Mind over Body

One of the most amazing things about BRFs (Best Running Friends) are that they are just like best friends – you can pick up your pace and mile just where you left it the last time. This weekend, Dawn, a BRF who moved away to Boston, came down to visit and run with us! She was so awesome in coming out to meet me early for a few solitary miles and then to hang on for a total of 12,…

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Motivation to Run through Winter and Holidays

Motivation to Run through Winter and Holidays

Finding motivation to run through winter and the holidays can often be hard. And just because the weather is cold, that is no excuse to not run (or atleast, that is what I tell myself!). But it is harder to leave the warmth of the bed in dark:00am for a run (or bike/swim/gym). I’m a relatively new runner with only 3 winters under my running shoes. And it hasn’t gotten any easier to keep myself motivated. But I’ve picked up…

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