After a huge weekend of a half marathon PR and kicking some hills, I don’t think it is fair that I could not even bask in the glow this week. Do you? Not because I was back at it (things don’t stop until September 27th), but because I was sick.
I was a little “off” on Sunday evening, but by the time I woke up on Monday morning I wasn’t sure how much of it was soreness from a tough race and how much of it was me being plain sick. I had probably been fighting a little something off the week and I had refused to think about it because I didn’t want it to mess with my head before the race. And then pushing myself in the race, exhaustion and the rain all tumbled onto each other and walloped me with a horrible cold, body ache and my enemy – congestion.
Before I get into my weekly detail, I want to remind everyone to link up for Pinspiration Wednesday for some mid-week fitness motivation and inspiration. You can read the details of the linkUp here.
Monday, I called in sick to work and after sleeping the morning in, dragged myself out of bed by 11am to go to a yoga class that the instructor called restorative yoga for runners. Lots of poses and flows and I finally felt like I could move my legs. But I also had a really bad back and had to go get a massage to work it out (Horrible knots on my shoulders and lots of other places).

Tuesday, I attempted to swim. As in, got my swimsuit on and went to the pool. Instead of the pool, I got into the hot tub. My sinus were so stuffed. I should’ve done my 45min spin, but I crawled back into bed instead.
Wednesday, being sick unfortunately meant that I ended up missing a key workout (6 x 1 mile repeats). Ran some easy progression run (30min Z1, 30 min Z2, 30min Z3) instead.
Thursday, I was back … almost. I managed a swim … somehow. And then after a ton of procrastination, I resolved to get my “long-ish” trainer ride in. I had 5 x 2min intervals and then 3x15min effort. It was going ok until I started the 2nd 15min … and then just … blah … and then garmin died and I threw up my hands in frustration, while pedaling hard, and almost fell! Judging by the puddle of sweat I left on the mat just 4minutes in, I probably went out too hard in the beginning and fizzled out.

Friday was glad to be a normal routine 45min run on the treadmill, to gear up for a heavy weekend on the personal front.
Saturday was to be a trainer ride, but I was working all night and then chauffeuring kids. But then got some unexpected childfree time. Most couples would jump at the chance of an unexpected date. So did we! Except, we went to the trails to run on our “date”. I switched my plan to the run that was scheduled on Sunday, a 2.5 hour long run (about 10 miles in my HR zones) on the Silver Comet. That was the first time that I’d run there alone. I must say that running alone in a place where I used to be surrounded by buddies was a different feeling.

The run was done, but my legs felt heavy and weary. Maybe nutrition that’s been horrendous this past 2 weeks, or lack of sleep. After only 4hours of night sleep and no nap, I was expecting to doze off while running!
Sunday’s trainer ride was welcome because I couldn’t go out to ride anywhere. The clicking on my bike and the uneven shifting is becoming more pronounced and I really have to take it in to be seen and learn something about it too.
Sadly, this week was horrendous. Mainly because I was working late and I was trying to juggle with the kids schedules.
Excuses, excuses.
However, I’m back on the wagon this week and it will be a much more disciplined effort going forward. I just started reading some of Bob Seebohar’s books on nutrition to get a better understanding.
Pinspiration Wednesday
Don’t forget to link up on Wednesday to the NEW PINspiration Wedsnesday with your motivational post. Hope to see your posts in the linkUp!
I’m Linking up with Tara from Running’n’Reading for the Weekend Update.
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