Running Tips & Articles Tips

How to Warm Up Quickly after a Cold Run

Running in the cold weather has it’s challenges, one of which is perpetually feeling cold AFTER the run.  When running, your core temperature keeps you about 10-15F warmer than it really is. Once you are done running, your core temperature drops and you start feeling the cold, and more since you’ll be wet from sweat. Nothing is more miserable than trying to get warm but you are cold and shivering.  I love running outside (ironic then that more than half my miles are recorded on the treadmill!) and love meeting up with other runners for coffee and chat even more. I don’t want to waste a chat opportunity by shivering and chattering! Here some tips on how to warm up quickly after a cold run in the weather.


1. Dress for the Cold Run

A no brainer, it’s surprising how much keeping your core warm during the cold run. There are plenty of guides on what to wear in what temps. A couple of my favorites are 

Runner’s World What to Wear Tool


Tina Muir’s amazing guide on what to wear at every temperature 

 I had on 4 layers and double socks, gloves and hats on this cold New Year Day’s run!


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2. Change Out of Wet Clothes ASAP

You don’t want to finish a great run, only to get the chills minutes later from your sweaty clothes and bra. I always stash a pair (or two) of shirts and a sweatshirt in my car and honestly, have no shame changing in my car in the lack of a changing place (TMI, but I do it discreetly of course!). Girls – The Fiona MC bra is a favorite just because I can change it out without ever having to get my shirt off.

3. Take a Hot Shower

Shower as soon as possible after finishing your run. There have been times when nothing but a warm shower has been able to stop my chills, inspite of a few dry layers post-run.

4. Keep the Accessories

Winter running accessories often include gloves, skull cap (or someother covering for the head), wool socks, etc. Keep them on or change into a clean set, especially the wet and soon-to-be cold head covering. Just like during the run, they will minimize heat escaping from your body.

5. Get that Cuppa

A hot drink does wonders for warming up. Hot chocolate, coffee, tea, whatever rocks your boat. Continue to sip on warm liquids for the rest of the day until you warm up. 

 The coldest day that I’ve run so far (New Year’s Day) and going out for a hot cuppa with new friends – dry clothes and layered up in 2 sweatshirts and a dry hat along with gloves and wool socks!


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With the right clothes during the run and the right techniques to warmup after the run, there’s no need to shy away from running in the cold.

So, who’s with me for a post-run coffee chat?!


These are some of the weekly linkups hosted by great bloggers. Check out some of the posts in the linkups.

Meatless Monday – Confessions of a Mother Runner and A Whisk and Two Wands
Tunes Tuesday (first Tuesday of the month) – KookyRunnerRun With No Regrets and RunSteffRun
Tuesdays on the Run –No Guilt LifeMCM Mama RunsMarcia’s Healthy Slice
Running Coaches Corner – Running on Happy, Suz Lyfe, Crazy Running Girl and Coach Debbie Runs
Friday Five 2.0 –Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness



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