I don’t usually write a weekly training plan or recap (although I think it is a great idea to be accountable in public), but these past week of winter holidays has been so blissful that I’m compelled to record and brag about it. And perhaps continue this trend so you can get a glimpse into what workouts with a person who wants to do everything and probably has no clear goal looks like. I’m sure there are quite a few of us out there who are like me!
So no goal? Is the obsessive Fauxrunner really starting the new year with no goal?
Not true, I DO have a goal. A race I call “My Mystery Marathon” and the goal is to finish in the official time. And my plan to get there is simple – CONSISTENCY. I had outlined earlier what consistency meant to me with my lifestyle – not worry about what type of run I am doing, but focus on getting in 3-4 runs/week. I upped the ante on that and decided to modify it to 3 runs/week, 2 cross training days (knowing me it would be swim days, but I would like to get in 1 spin class or trainer ride if I could) and 2-3 strength training days.
That does look like a lot on paper, but with some juggling with time schedules I believe I can achieve this. After all, none of the workouts other than the strength days are hard efforts. Just getting back out there and consistently building the habit to run.
These past 2 weeks with winter break and the kids with no school (so no 7am bus stop!) and a husband who has been far more flexible than he has ever been, inspite of the cold spell mixed with the rain (of course!), my training has been like a dream. I got in almost all workouts planned, and in those 2 weeks went from recovering sick can’t run half a mile to finishing a strong 12 mile run.
Here is what the past 2 weeks looked like.
Saturday Dec 21st (yes, I started on a saturday since break ends and started on saturday too)
6.5 miles on soft flat trails at my favourite place. The first 3 miles were the hardest miles I’d ever run! I was so glad to run with friends (training for Dopey) who dragged my sorry behind along. It was my first run since forever (sickness and vacation), so glad I made the first step.
Sunday Dec 22nd
3 miles on the treadmill so I didn’t loose the momentum
20 min on the trainer
I set up my bike on the trainer and felt weird cycling to nowhere. Someone needs to give me a crash course in 101 Bike Trainer for Dummies.
Monday Dec 23rd
Strength Training: Squats, squats and more squats.
I started back at crossfit, this time at the same box I tried for a month in summer (I love living social/groupon deals!). They are expanding the box and installing showers, so we might have a winner! My body ached all over. And I succumbed to an Ibuprofen.
Tuesday Dec 24th
5 miles with my BRFs at my favorite place to run.
Strength Training at crossfit following the run.
This day was life changing 4 years ago. It was my 4th runniversary and I celebrated it with a great run with some of my BRFs and a giveaway on my blog! I followed up the run by a crossfit WOD. I have found that I do better at running *before* a WOD and I didn’t want anything to influence my runniversary run!
Wednesday Dec 25th
Much needed from soreness of 2 day old crossfit.
Thursday Dec 26th
Strength Training working on shoulders
Swim 1250 yards in 45min.
I skipped a run to go swimming instead as I found that my legs were still sore. The swimming made a huge difference and I felt as good as new afterwards. I’m still a slow swimmer so I’m looking to improve by taking classes and swimming more. Would be great to get to atleast 1500yards in 45min.
Friday Dec 27th
5 miles on the same route with the Dopey boys.
1 mile in 10:15 as part of the crossfit WOD.
Strength Training at Crossfit
Looks like swimming loosened up my sick legs. The run was much more fluid than it had been the entire week and I pushed the pace just a bit. My previous mile time (on track and another CF WOD 3-4 months ago) was 9:57. But after so much sickness and not training for speed in particular this was a good starting point for me.
Saturday Dec 28th
Joined the Dopey boys for 12 miles for part of their long run. I ran steadily for about 9-10 miles and then faded a bit. Still not too shabby for a easy long run. Fading could be part nutrition as I only had a gel after 8/9 miles (a little under 2 hours), too long to go without even though slower.

Sunday Dec 29th
Unplanned REST. It is hard for me to get anything done on Sundays. So many things to do and run around! Although I confess I did eat quite a bit.
Monday Dec 30th
1 mile run in 10:20 as part of crossfit WOD
Strength Training at Crossfit
Even though my legs felt recovered over the weekend, I guess it wasn’t as much since I ran this mile slower than last week. And this actually gives me a mini-goal. I want to work to bring this less than 10min.
Tuesday Dec 31st
Strength Training at Crossfit working on cleans. The best part of starting during low-season (and before resolutions) is low class numbers and getting almost one-on-one attention. The trainer today broke the clean down into a series of little moves and I was *almost* there.

Wednesday Jan 1st
Resolution Run 5k in 34:34 after a 1 mile warmup.
A minute and half slower than my best 5k. Gave it my best legs but lungs were on fire on the hills. 34:34 = 10:58,10:52,10:47, (9:54)
Thursday Jan 2nd
Strength Training at Crossfit.
Short Swim of 900 yards in 30min. (Another short goal of inching up to 1000 yards in 30min)
Friday Jan 3rd
Partial Strength Training at Crossfit. I say partial because I only completed 2 rounds out of the required 4. My quads were bothering me (sore) and I had to leave for a massage appointment.
Does a massage count as continued strength or stretching? Had a much needed massage (ouch ouch ouch) and an adjustment.
Saturday Jan 4th
12.3 miles with partial company and then me pushing it alone.
Bundled up and started easy warmup 4miles with the Dopey boys as their last run before the crazy event. Then had an amazing 5.5 miles alone. Legs were smiling and heart was singing. Pace was good too. All of a sudden, body shut down. Suddenly felt aches all over and I just wanted to stop and crawl. Gave myself a talk and got back to the car with 12+ miles. But not enough to do the extra mile I wanted.
I am investigating this fading/shutdown around the 9-10 mile mark (around 2 hours for me) every long run and I’m wondering if it is hydration and electrolytes (I’ve not been diligent with both in the cold). I had the nutrition part set up fine this week compared to last week.
But even though I faded, my splits (14:00, 14:07, 14:09, 13:40, 12:59, 12:44, 12:38, 12:17, 12:38,12:49,13:40, 13:14, 13:03 (0.3miles)) showed that I’m still capable of maintaining a decent pace (for me) when the stars align.

Summary of the workouts of this past month –

How have you survived the Winter Break with your workouts? Has the time off helped you or has it made you take a step back to relax and bounce back fresh in January?
And the cold! Brrr!! With almost the entire country in a cold spell, how have you managed your workouts?