Races Running

Resolution Run 5k 2014

January 1st.
The time for resolutions.
And the mandatory “Resolution Run”.

This race has almost become a tradition for me for the past 4 years (I missed it last year and well … my racing year did not go well, so why jinx myself!). We’ve always gone as a family with my minions doing the kids races, but this year Daddy didn’t wake up even when I poked him quite a few times, so I guiltily went by myself. Apart from the fact that this race is held on Jan 1st, it starts at the most awesome time of 11am and is a short 10min drive from my house with ample parking.

I hadn’t “trained” particularly for a race, no intervals or tempos and definitely no hill training! So I was a bit nervous when I lined up at the start. My racing (and training) calendar has been so slim in 2013 that I almost felt like a newbie! But I ran, ran as hard as my legs could carry. I could feel the difference, I walked up hills some 20seconds or so where I had smoothly sailed up before. Even at the last 50m.

My time of 34:34 (10:58,10:52,10:47, (9:54)) was a minute and a half slower than it was 2 years ago, when I’d shocked myself into a huge PR. And uncannily, all my splits 2 years ago were 30sec/mile faster (Except for the last 0.1-0.2miles. I was faster this year.) And I think it is a fair indication of my ability at this particular point in time – a good starting point for me to track progress and use it to work towards results.

And the funniest thing of all – I apparently came in 17th out of 50 odd people in my age group. I love these kind of runs. lol.

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Who cares about race time when there are friends and sparkles to share it with!
(I kid .. I kid .. I do care about race time too)


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This was our post-race fuel. Whoever came up with the boxed idea is a genius! So much more easier to carry than bagels/donuts.


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Super cool candid shot (plus filter) by Luis of us girls.


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