Races Running

Atlanta Marathon Relay

What more fun than to run 26.2 miles, except you are not actually running it all !

We had 4 teams (that I knew of) from Get Fit who signed up for the relay (4 people with legs of 5.5, 8.4, 5.1, 7.2 – Although the legs didn’t really measure right(!)). It was so much fun, especially waiting in the end to cheer in Edna, one of our yellow peeps who did an amazing first marathon in one of the toughest courses!

Since it was a Halloween race, of course I had to dress up! No Princess Jasmine here, but Dawn and I got Sparkleskirts for the run. I loved my skirt over my trusty Brooks Infinity Capri. Did not feel like I was running with something extra on. I look forward to getting a red one for some of the Christmas time runs!

Our “Marathon Time” – 4:52 🙂

Sparkle Skirts for one team, and TuTus for another!


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