Life The FauxRunner Around the World

Cultural Differences

Traveling to visit my parents, half way across the globe has given me a new perspective about how big a role running plays in my life.

Since I’ve been here a week I’ve
– slept a ton to overcome jetlag
– been stuck in this horrible horrible traffic for hours every time I venture out
– eaten a ton of unhealthy but oh-so yummy food available only here in India
– walked with my parents instead of run; which gets me outdoors but does nothing for my heart rate or weeks 18-16 to Chicago
– caused a mini-scandal by walking out in TShirt and Capris instead of the traditional Indian dress
– itched so so so badly to go for a run only to be stopped by gawkers and ooglers. Ugh
– taken recourse to yoga and some planks for maintaining sanity
– tried to make peace about gaining 10-15 lbs and getting back to zero running base

Sigh. I miss running.


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