I was so so so honored and thrilled to be tagged by Sarah at Another Mother Runner for 10 Running Things you don’t know about me (although people might know all this about me already).
Best Run Ever Although not recent, my 21 miles from training for Chicago Marathon last year is one I can’t forget. My running group had scheduled an information session on prepping for the big day. I wasn’t even sure if I would finish 21 miles but my goal as the slowest runner of the group was to make it back before the session started. I came in just as everyone had gathered and my wonderful group gave me a huge ovation. I had the biggest, goofiest grin that lasted the whole day.
Three Words that describe my Running Happy Exciting Relaxing
Have Fun and Smile! |
Morning, Midday, Evening Prefer mornings, but will take whatever time I get with work and kids.
I won’t run outside when it is Dark and I’m alone. I’m paranoid. So sadly, no 5am runs for me even though that is my preferred time to run and I live in a very safe part of town.
Worst Injury and how I got over it *Touchwood* Nothing yet. Although I had severe shin splints mis-diagonized as a stress fracture. I didn’t do anything for the 2-3 weeks I had to wait for a second opinion and then eased back into training instead of jumping right back (which is probably what caused it in the first place).
I felt most like a Badass Mother Runner when I – ran my first half Marathon in March 2010. I had started running just 3 months ago in training. I was cramping and tired after 9-10 miles. I was horribly engorged and in pain. Medics helped me for my cramping after I finished, but I couldn’t get any relief from engorgement until I drove back all the way home and nursed my baby!
Since training for this is what got me to get up from the couch and take my baby-running steps, it makes me feel extra BAMR!
March 2010, Tired and in total pain – but so proud! A spark had been lit. |
Potential Running Goal for 2013 I’m looking to pick a half marathon to PR in spring/early summer. I’ve run 7 halfs with either the intent to finish or as part of a marathon training run. But never raced one. Don’t know which one though. I’m sure I’ll end up doing another marathon with my running group in fall, but again no idea which one.
Readers and Runners – Would love to know your answers! Link back to your blog or just reply if you don’t have a blog.
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