
An Ode to my Running Mentors

From the December issue of Runner’s World

When I joined Get Fit Atlanta the target fall race was Savannah, an entire month after Chicago. Dick and Felecia (and Lorraine from Run Wifey Run) were doing Chicago as well and I soon found myself running 2-4 extra miles in the early morning with them before joining the rest of the group. Dick and Felecia have been running buddies for a long time and speedier people. I remember being super nervous and a little afraid of running with such seasoned runners.

By the end of the training season, I looked forward to our “solo” runs together. Not only was I inspired by them, I also aspired to BE them. To run as effortlessly as they did, to glide along talking and laughing, to amass this huge wealth of knowledge that they so marvelously shared with me.

I have since met many other coaches from the group, all of whom have influenced me tremendously. I admire and love them all. They coach and mentor me every step of the way. But, Dick and Felecia – they will always be my first mentors.

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