
Run for Mind, Body and Soul

Sometimes there are runs which are exactly what your mind and body need; the fact that they are on your training schedule is an unexpected bonus! My trail run at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield park was like that – a run for mind, body and soul. Even though I’ve walked up this mountain many times (And thought that the runners I’d see were absolutely batsh!t crazy! Who’d want to run on a mountain!!), I had never run on the trails around until a month ago. Now, I’ve gladly joined the crazy folks! 

So lucky to live within 15 minutes driving distance to TWO beautiful trails!
So lucky to live within 15 minutes driving distance to TWO beautiful trails!

Trails: 1 Faux Runner: 1

There was a lot of smiling and laughing and crying and frustration and joy and singing and quite a bit of stumbles too. These emotions are what makes me love long distance running so much. I could never go through so many emotions in a couple of hours as I do while running.

So let’s call it even for making me feel alive for those 10 miles.

“A pair of gloves! My kingdom for a pair of gloves!”

Where did summer go all of a sudden?

This weather watcher was unexpectedly caught unawares and many a times wished for a thin pair of gloves. I alternately felt hot and cold, but my fingertips remained cold all throughout. 

Even though the runs are easier in cold weather, it is harder to get out of bed and home!

“The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside”.

The theme song of today’s run from ‘Frozen’.

My spirit/soul was stressed out from a long week (in which I’ve hardly seen my kids other than 15min of morning time). And the wind was blowing through the ear band I had on. Everytime I heard the wind through the trees, the song went through my head along with the crescendo of ‘Let it Go’!

It just couldn’t be quieted until the last 20 minutes or so when plain fatigue took over. 

The last 30minutes or so of the 2.5hr run was hard! I didn’t want to run and I didn’t want to walk either. 

I have this crazy weird “rule” that walking/standing with hands on hips is not allowed. Walking is was ok as a Galloway run-walker, but walking with hands on hips is what I consider a defeatist, “I quit” attitude. (I have no idea where I got that from! But there it is!).

And all I wanted to do was stand with hands on my hips.

And that I would not do.

So, after a brief moment of dark, I pulled myself out to run again. But really, amidst such serenity, it wasn’t too hard to pull my head out of the dark place and instead make my heart reflect the serenity from inside.

A very cathartic run indeed. 
Dr. Mike knew just what was needed.

Do you run trails? Do you prefer roads to trails?
How does your mind and body respond to roads vs. trails?

Connect with me  on other social channels for more tips, inspiration and fun!

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