A Favorite Running Buddy?

A Favorite Running Buddy?

I’ve run with a lot of people over the past 2 years. While I like running with anyone who will tolerate my incessant chatter and slow pace, there are some people that I absolutely love running with.

So what makes someone a great running buddy, or rather, what makes someone your favorite running buddy, I wondered.

Is it someone whose pace and cadence matches yours effortlessly?

Is it someone whose personality matches/compliments yours perfectly?

Is it someone you are at common crossroads with in life and their stories (or silence) echos/resonates yours?

Is it someone who has the same running goals and dreams as you?

Is it someone who you’ve been running with so long that you understand each other’s running patterns without a single word being said?

Is it someone you maybe don’t even run with, but cross paths on your regular route and something about them, a smile and a nod perhaps, gives you an extra spring in your steps?

Is it someone who imparts so much knowledge and coaching that running becomes a huge learning experience with you thirsting for more? (I learn something new on every rare occasion that I match steps with George.)

Is it someone who was the first person you ever ran with? (Coach Michael was the first person I ever ran with. 3 miles with him encouraging me at the Get Fit Atlanta placement run as I huffed and puffed and struggled.)

Is it someone you do insane things with – like start a run at 5am with pepper spray in one hand and a light in the other? And giggling and squealing over black scarfs that are dead snake lookalikes?

Lorraine and I at the Chicago Marathon Training runs
Is it someone you log miles over miles over miles with, coming back to an almost empty parking lot that other runners have long deserted?
Barry and I training for New Orleans Marathon
Is it someone who is with you at the start line of your first marathon, helping soothe your nerves?
Felecia, Dick, Me and Lorraine at the start line of Chicago Marathon
Is it someone who joins with you to make a fashion statement while logging miles?
Coach Karen, me and Tanya – 3 pretty ladies in Peacock skirts

Is it someone you have fun with outside of running and you totally forget the line between running and real life?

Is it someone who inspires you to do the best you can do, no matter their age or how long/far they can run?
My Munchkin Monsters – My absolute favorite running buddies, joining me in my love for fun skirts!

Do you run solo or with a buddy/group?
Who is your favorite running buddy (two or four legged)?  What makes them your absolute favorite to run with?

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