Hubby is on his road to Augusta 70.3!
Apart from my Callaway Sprint 2 years ago, this duathlon was our his first multisport race and he did pretty good. He started on the bike only about 6-8 weeks ago and has gotten quite comfortable in clipless pedals.
Cheering was hard work though! He got to nap in the afternoon while I have to be up with the kids 🙂

We got there a tad late, so we couldn’t catch him running the first 5k and starting on the bike course. But great to be able to see him some back in from the bike.

I could see the difference in running on noodle legs! But what was great was – he was smiling all through the run.

And look at all that post-race food!

And a bonus photo …

His next race – a sprint triathlon! Where he actually needs to swim (!!). Yikes!