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Category: Life

Injured Runner Alert – a saga of freak injuries

Injured Runner Alert – a saga of freak injuries

Ever since the Teardrop Half Marathon on April 28th, I’ve been jinxed with one injury after another. At first it was patella tendinitis diagnosed 4 days after the race, probably caused by quads not being strong enough to support the impact the knees took at the downhill of ~2000+ ft in 7 miles. Once I went through PT and healed from that in 3 weeks, it was a freak incident of a meniscus pinch as I was putting my kids…

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What is Running Love?

What is Running Love?

For some reason, maybe because it was the weekend of Valentine’s day, these lines were stuck in my head. It is a sonnet by Shakespeare made more famous by the Emma Thompson/Kate Winslet adaption of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.  One of my favorite poems about love is a sonnet by Shakespeare made more famous by the Emma Thompson/Kate Winslet adaption of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.  “Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the…

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Goodbye, Dear Shannon

Goodbye, Dear Shannon

[This is not my usual fitness post, but something that I wanted to write for a friend.] You did not go gentle into that good night, You burnt and raved at close of day; You raged, and raged against the dying of the light. And yet, here you are, saying goodbye to your little boys, having raged the war and lost. Your life started and will end as the universe deems but your soul will live on. Did you get to hug your…

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January Runfessions – 5 things that’ve kept me from blogging this fortnight

January Runfessions – 5 things that’ve kept me from blogging this fortnight

I have not written much over the past 2 weeks (I have written nothing the past 2 weeks) and before I start back writing again, I have a few confessions in January. Some lightweight, some heavy. What is that they say about writing things down to feel better? FUCK CANCER I have had a very very heavy heart this month.  F CANCER. The number of people I’ve seen it affect this past month and two to the other end of hope,…

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Cheering for Mom

Cheering for Mom

I believe that my transformation from couch potato to (faux)runner started after my kids were born. Initially, while battling mild post partum depression, I stepped out for “some air” while Mr. FauxRunner would run with the minions in a jogging stroller. Oh, how I hated that walking from my front door to the neighborhood entrance!! But slowly it turned into the quest for bigger bolder things; and when the minions were little, I viewed running as literally running away for…

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Our weekend ski trip – Cataloochee Ski Area

Our weekend ski trip – Cataloochee Ski Area

I’m not a cold sports person, maybe because I prefer sports where my feet are firmly on the ground. Also, growing up in hot South India, I never had the option to play in the snow. My first snow sighting was when I came to Atlanta, but it being Atlanta it snows like maybe 1-2 days a year inspite of many impending dooms of Snowpocalypse! The minions love to experiment with cold sports and we’ve settled on an annual ski trip in February…

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Looking back at 2016

Looking back at 2016

While 2015 was all about an amazing year of races and goals and self growth, Looking back at 2016 was much more mellow. The whole year was around one big race rather than my usual sprinkling of races. Miss. FauxRunner made her racing debut – both in running and triathlon. And I took back seat as mom and coach. Since I voluntarily gave up on my season after April and the London Marathon and I took a long extended break, there are no…

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