“So, where was I? Oh, that’s right. Barcelona!”
The first lines that David Tennant uttered as the Tenth Doctor before collapsing, but not before heralding a new era of a lot of running and fun and angst – “MY” Doctor even though I had first loved him after watching a televised stage production of Hamlet. (If you can find a watch of this Prince in Jeans and T-Shirt, don’t miss it!)

It was definitely to hear David Tennant that I tuned into his new podcast “David Tennant does a podcast with …”. I’ve listened to a lot of “interview” type podcasts and while they are not my favorite type of podcasts to hear, I knew that I’d atleast enjoy listening to his Scottish accent. (Seriously, it is a joy and very ‘next door’ compared to the clipped, perfect accents of Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch, both of whom I adore as well. And not anything like the Billy Connolly/Peter Capaldi type of Glasgow Scottish accent. Did I also mention that David Tennant is the narrator who finally made me listen to audiobooks? His narration of the “How to train your dragon” series is nothing short of masterful with different voices for all the characters of Berg and different accents for the supporting Viking Tribes. But I digress … )

The podcast completely took me by surprise, it was more of fireside chat between friends. DT was soft spoken and let the guests talk without leading questions or talking over them. His questions were thoughtful and not frivolous – I’ve heard some interviews where it seems like the interviewer has no idea on the subject matter but yet is trying to talk up with filler questions. (I’ve been watching The Hobbit movies and listening to some interviews that Richard Armitage/Thorin Oakenshield has done, I’ve cringed. Richard Armitage comes across as such a thoughtful actor and the questions put to him seem to have no absolute knowledge of either The Hobbit or his method of acting. And they kept cutting him off. But again, I digress …)
My favorite guests on the podcast took me by surprise. I knew I’d like Olivia Coleman and The Doctor, Jodie Whitaker. But a favorite was Good Omens’ co-star John Hamm who I did a double listen to & Michael Sheen’s fun. I expected James Corden to be goofy and but he was just so different and solemn and sensible. Hearing him talk about his early days and being the fat guy was very resonating. Jennifer Garner was another surprise like! I haven’t watched much of her but I loved how cozy that chat was – and loved how she would turn around and ask DT the same questions (which DT would deflect back; I wish someone would do a podcast with him!!). When Gordon Brown, ex-Prime Minister of UK came on, I was surprised to find myself sympathizing and also understanding what he said when he meant that he felt that he did the absolute right thing, but couldn’t convince the public that it was the right thing to do.
After I listened to all of them, my biggest beef was iconic roles going to actors who had NO IDEA about the role or how big it was. It just seems … so wrong, especially when I am sure there are hundreds of actors who do know their literature/fantasy world and look forward to it.
DT has talked about his obsession with the Doctor since he was a kid, writing essays about being the Doctor. I heard the same from Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit trilogy) growing up reading (and playing school productions) The Hobbit; and from some of the actors in MCU’s Avengers.
If you listen to podcasts, give this one a try – it’s a great listento on the drive or while cooking and doing chores.