Looking forward Monday – Plans for a Birthday Week

Looking forward Monday – Plans for a Birthday Week

September is my birth month. Every year I moan that I ask for away time to attend Dragon Con that is held in Atlanta over the labor day weekend and that every year, I get a long weekend getaway trip.

Well … this year was neither.


My parents are in town visiting and I didn’t want to leave them to go off to Dragon Con by myself. I had also had a whole week of 4:30am wakeups and I just wanted to sleep in for once. And that killed me inside. MY doctor, David Tennant, was there and I cannot believe I let go the opportunity to meet him. I told myself that I saved myself a few pretty pennies and a lot of waiting in a long line by opting not to go see him; and also that I saved myself from the embarrassment of going ga-ga in front of him! A friend posted photos with him and he seemed like an absolute sweetheart with a huge grin in them … sigh …

But I DO have something to look forward to!

I’ve been feeling rather run down by … by just PEOPLE around me. Of course I love my family and my kids more than anything. But, I have been taking care of everyone and everything all summer and it will not ease up over the school year either.

A few months ago I had a wild idea of taking a trip just by myself. Now, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go to Torres del Paine National Park in Chile and maybe run the Patagonian International Marathon which is around the same time as my birthday (as is Marathon du Medoc in the wine country region of France, but since I’m not a wine drinker, I’ll lust after the Patagonian marathon). But I don’t think such an exotic, once in a lifetime trip will be viewed kindly by my family if I were to travel alone.

Patagonian Marathon
I’ve never done small races – THIS is one I’d want to do in Torres del Paine

Instead, I settled for the best I could do without my family feeling envious – an overnight trip to Mountains to the start of the Appalachian trail staying at the Len Foote Hike Inn. I fell in love with the place when I did the hike with friends a few years ago. This might not be the true wilderness hike that many of my friends go on, but since I never get to go anywhere on my own (other than a few race trips), this will be MY adventure, my own birthday adventure trip.

Appalachian Mountains
I cannot wait to wake up to these views of the Appalachian from the Hike Inn!!

I love the mountains and the openness of the mountains so much and I cannot wait to wake up on my birthday and just BE.

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