If you have visited my blog in the past, you will have noticed the new look to the blog today. I’ve been working to develop a logo for the past few weeks and that made me think about my name, my journey and my future.
Who really is the Faux Runner?
Five and a half years ago, the Faux Runner was a couch potato who took up running “just for three months, until the race is complete and the bling is earned”, and who stumbled through every step for three months, then for six months and then for a year.
Then all of a sudden the not-stumbling anymore Faux Runner was signing up for marathons and crossfit and triathlons! And was unstoppable!
Friends and mentors starting called the runner the Faux Faux Runner.
But the Faux Runner still saw herself as “Faux”. She thought that a pace number that she couldn’t reach defined her as a runner.

Also, the runner was no longer just a runner.
The “Faux” Runner had found her focus and drive as an athlete who was game to jump into a year of CrossFit, into Ragnar Relay with a team, into a weekend of Dopey running and into the world of triathlons, pushing limits and discovering herself. Unfrazzled by the demands as a full time working mom, learning the art of juggling kids and a traveling husband and changing schedules along with training. And more importantly, she found her passion to hold hands with others doing the same.
But the Faux Runner still saw herself as “Faux”. She still thought an unattainable pace number and a frustratingly out of reach number on the scale defined her.

Until this journey of figuring out who the Faux Runner was made her look back and see how she has transformed the Faux into FAB.
When the Faux Runner finally saw herself how others saw her, she understood she was “Faux” Runner NO MORE. And that made her understand that she needs to embrace the fabulousness and utilize that to help bring out the FAB in others. And hence the foundations of the blog transformation started.
From Faux Runner to
Faux Runner … NO MORE.
From Pink and the color of little girls to Orange of enthusiasm, success and determination with hints of life and energy in the green, while still retaining the sugar and spice and everything nice of the pink.

(At some point, the blog domain will point to “Faux to FAB”. But until I can get that worked out, here I stay as “Faux” Runner … No More)
Why am I talking about myself in the third person?
(Even though it is super creepy)
Because I see myself in a lot of people.
People of all shapes and sizes and paces and gender who hesitate. People who are afraid of whatever it is that they are afraid of. People who think that XXX is not for people like them. People who think that they cannot run a 10K or a marathon, people who think that they cannot learn how to ride a bike, people who think that they could not possible last a crossfit WOD, …

There is fabulousness within us all. It took me a while to see my inner Warrior Princess Goddess (yes, that is a lot of superlatives).
I am learning to redefine my impossible. And I’m still redefining it everyday and pushing through what earlier I thought I couldn’t.
I want you to redefine yours too!

Dream Big.
Dream the Impossible.
Redefine your Impossible.
Be Fabulous. Everyday.
As Sara Bareilles asks in her song “I want to see you be brave” – What are you afraid of?
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