Gobble Jog 5k – A Thanksgiving Day Race

Gobble Jog 5k – A Thanksgiving Day Race

I have run the Thanksgiving Day Half in downtown Atlanta almost every year. But this year, I didn’t maintain the miles after Berlin and opted to run another 5K instead. The Gobble Jog by MUST Ministries is a huge 5K/10K race and I “tried” to make it a family affair. Tried because the 13yo was mad at being made to run bright and early at 9am (insert eye roll here) and the 10yo was mad because I had not told her of the race and she hadn’t trained for it or even run much after her IT band issue this summer.

But we ran, even though a bit separately, and had our Thanksgiving lunch at iHOP (don’t ask …).

My Race

10,600 registered runners!!

I had no idea that this was such a big race! That made it super crowded and lots of dodging in the beginning (why do people with dogs and strollers line up in front!!).

I thought that I was running steady and well until the hills. The first mile was downhill and I went out maybe 30-45sec/mile faster than I should’ve. I was out of oomph by 1.7 miles when the harder hill hit. It was the usual Atlanta hilly course but doable and not insanely hilly. Unfortunately, my lack of fitness showed and I walked a bit on the hills. In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t because once I walked, it became easy to walk again.

I really didn’t have any expectations of the 5k so even the pathetic race time isn’t hitting me too hard. I was just glad to not feel like my lungs were going to burst. But for the record, I was a 4min and 15 seconds slower than 2 years ago before my injury and weight gain. Again, not surprising.

Thanksgiving Lunch

Also for the first year in a very long time, I did not host Thanksgiving lunch/dunner and we did not have any invitations to go either. After brunch at iHOP (which Mr. FauxRunner took a sudden craving to), headed home to some R & R and nap and Disney+

Hope everyone had a great Thankgiving either Turkey trotting or chilling.

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