Product Reviews

Mother’s Day Picks for the Mother Runner

As a runner (and sometimes wannabe triathlete), I always hope for gifts that are running related. After all, our lives as a mother and runner is so intertwined. Why not get something that I’m going to use, and that will put a smile on my face every time I use it? And although my husband refuses to buy me anything more running related, my kids know that I appreciate my running gear more than jewelry and that I value a mother’s day run far far more than a mother’s day brunch! So in the spirit of giving my husband a hint, I’m sharing some of my favorite Mother’s Day Picks for the Mother Runner.

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My Picks for Mother’s Day 2014

A new outfit will always be a great favorite with me!
This year, my picks are (1) “Motherhood: A race with no finish line” Tshirt ($25) from Another Mother Runner and a (2) Royal Palm SparkleSkirt to go with it. The Motherhood TShirt is soft enough to wear while running or to go out for brunch. I’m a huge fan of the SparkleSkirts with their sassy patterns and skirts that flatter every body size inspite of their $65 price tag.  They are part of my go-to running outfit and also my non-running casual outfits. Bonus: Great pockets that I can stuff everything my kids hand me!!

Headsweats has come out with a limited edition (3) Just for Moms collection ($20-22) that displays the spirit of a mother runner. (Headsweats is also my favorite visor brand. I love how it wicks sweat away from my face and it does not give me that weird visor hairline.) Even though my outfit selection was in the blue color scheme, I’m all for a pop of pink to complete my outfit.

Ever since I discovered Erica Sara Designs (thanks Instagram), I’ve been in love with her creative collections. I’m going through bangles and bracelets phase right now (not surprising since I’m Indian and we usually have tons of bracelets) and I can’t take my eyes off of this (4) wrap bracelet ($48) with a charm that says “I run like a Mother. Try to keep up.” I’d get it in black or brown and use it all.the.time.

I don’t know who first told me of  (5) Milestone Pod ; I love the concept! I try my best to remember my shoe mileage but I can never keep track. You’d think that it would be easier to remember shoe mileage with so many tracking software we use for our run (dailymile, strava, training peaks, …)! Their website says “Simply lace the pod through your shoe and begin your work out. Track your mileage for every run or walk – your pod goes with you everywhere. There is no need to disconnect from shoe! The pod constantly displays current total mileage from your shoes.”   I can’t wait to try it out and at just $19.95, I think it would be a really cool and out of the box Mother’s day gift.

What would YOU like on Mother’s Day? Do you want your day to be centered around You, the mother with no other distractions or You, the Mother Runner (or Triathlete)? 


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