Races Running

Resolution Run 5k – 2010

A 5k run in the cold and wind to start off my fitness resolutions for the year.
3.1miles/5k: 41 min 48 sec

So – how has this resolution been working out for me?
So far, so good. I’ve been running 3-4 days a week. I’ve officially started training for my half-marathon on March 21st.
I’ve put in 10 miles last week of december/first week of Jan, and 13 miles last week.
This week I increase my long run to 5 miles. Yikes !!! I’m hoping I have the momentum even if I have to take a break or two in between. (Distance from Home to Dad’s office and back)

I still don’t like running (Technically: I don’t run, I slow jog). But I look at it as something “I can do and finish”. And I love that I have these milestones I want to pass.

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