The week in numbers

The week in numbers


  • Weekly Mileage – 16 Miles
  • Long Run – 7 miles (mid day by myself for extra Chicago miles)
  • Got all my runs in
  • Cross training – a little bit of swimming + Yoga
  • FAIL at p90x Shoulders and back
Daily Splits
  • M – 2 miles Easy and a little bit of swim (most of it trying to overcome panic attacks)
  • T – 7 Miles to get some extra miles for Chicago 
  • W – 
  • Th – 3.6 miles with Tempo of 2.5 miles @ 4.9/12:15 + Core work of planks (4 sec) and balance
  • F – p90x Shoulders and back FAIL!
  • S – 3.7 miles ‘long’ run with GFA
  • Su – p90x Stretch 
Odds and End
  • Decided to have a goal approaching my mid-30 birthday in 3 months. 
  • Big FAIL at strength training in p90x – time and effort. 
  • Its HOT ! And HUMID!
Plans for next week
  • 18 Weeks to Chicago
  • M – Long run 8-9 miles over the extra day off
  • T – Easy 2-3 miles + 30 day Shred (or Swim + 30 DS)
  • W – 3-4 miles
  • Th –     (Traveling)
  • F – Swim 
  • S – 5 with GFA
  • Su – Yoga
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