The week in numbers

The week in numbers


  • Total Miles = 19
  • Long Run = 9 miles solo 
  • Cross Training = p90x Stretch, Swimming 20 min
  • Strength Training = FAIL

 Daily Splits

  • M – 9 miles on Memorial Day at the River. Perfect negative splits at 1/3 distances.
  • T – p90x Stretch and 20min of Swimming
  • W – 4.6 miles in the humidity with a late 8am start. Traveling to Chicago that night.
  • Th –    Traveling
  • F –     Too tired and woozy. Off.
  • S – 5 miles with GFA. Good steady pace and strong feeling all throughout.
  • Su – Intended to stretch/Strength train. Was out all day.
Odds and Ends
  • Week of Traveling
  • First time trying Weetabix as breakfast food before run on Saturday. I think I like it.
  • I need to put in more effort into controlling my snacking and strength training.
Plan for Next Week
  • 17 Weeks to Chicago
  • M – Long Run 9-10 miles since other weekday mornings will be full (I think this will be the last week of my solo long runs; I will hold off on them until 2-3 more weeks when GFA starts ramping up)
  • T – Upper body & Core at the Y. 30 minute easy run.
  • W – Swimming at the Y.
  • Th – 30 min of Tempo @ 12:20 + Upper body & Core
  • F – p90x Yoga
  • S – 6 miles with GFA
  • Su – Off !
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