General Fitness

What’s in 2016?

December and January are times for looking back and setting goals and resolutions. I love reading how the past year has treated people. And what they plan to tackle in the next year.

2016 is a big year for me personally – I turn 4.0 in September and it’s also our 15th anniversary in October. 

Screen Shot 2016-01-02 at 8.52.49 AM Races and Places

March 5th – Chattahoochee 10k

March 20th – Georgia Publix Half Marathon

April 24th – London Marathon. The BIG one for the year. My bucket list marathon. Also followed by a week long  family vacation

June 28th – PTS Allatoona Sprint Triathlon

July 4th – Peachtree Road Race? (I included this as I end up running it every year and I plan to run again this year if we happen to be in town)

The second half of the year is still wide open. And I have a few options to pick from –

September 4th – Friendly century ride with friends AND Mr. FauxTriathlete for my birthday weekend.

September 24th – Augusta 2.0? Or a Relay at Augusta? Followed by a vacation during the kids’ fall break.

October 16th – Destination race with Mr. FauxRunner for our anniversary weekend? There’s a relay option to the race I’m looking at but ideally I’d like to run it *with* him. 

October Last Weekend – Lottery for Marine Corps Marathon?

November First Weekend  – Lottery for New York City Marathon?

So it is essentially Augusta 2.0 vs. a Fall marathon. My first pick would be the destination race if I could find a babysitter … but dependent on the lottery.

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I’ve been chasing one goal for a long time – 2:30 in a half marathon and a 5:30 in a marathon. Having learnt the importance of consistent running / sport specific training, and having built up a good base for the past 18 months, I feel like I have a good shot this year if I continue with the lessons learnt. But having chased that beast 3 years ago and being scared from the experience when I kept falling sick over and over, I’m a bit wary of letting it consume all my energy. Doesn’t mean that I’m going to let it go though…

Every single race in 2015 was a target race with a goal time in mind (except Dopey), especially as there wasn’t a ton of races that I had signed up for. And it would be nice to just relax and kick back for a bit. 


A lot of these races will be dictated by my hopes for an India trip sometime. It’s been 4 years since I went home and saw my parents 🙁 

I parted ways with a well loved workplace this past year, and I’m not yet sure what 2016 will bring. Will I look to go back to work for a little bit after my short term project is done? Or will I decide on a new chapter and stay at home with the minions now?

Mr. FauxTriathlete set his 2015 goals very simple – run 1000 miles in the year (more on that in the next blog). After that, it appears that he has his sights on a bigger goal, but he’s not sharing yet. And his work has been crazy busy these past few months, which I’m sure will dictate what we end up doing. 

What are your goals and races for 2016?
What will you be doing the same as 2015 and what will you be doing different?

 Connect with me  on other social channels for more tips, inspiration and fun!

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 I’m linking up with Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run, and You Signed Up for What?! this week. 

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