Random Thoughts on a Friday Morning

Random Thoughts on a Friday Morning

Random Thoughts

Needing to rest vs. needing to find my mojo

Tokyo Marathon zapped me out mentally and physically. I was really glad to take a break from running when I got back. But now I’m finding it hard to wake up in the morning and get that mojo flowing. I have decided that in order to be able to run, I need to … well … I need to run! But making run happen should not be a chore, so I am starting on a run-streak for the month of April. And to make sure I don’t miss it, I’m recruiting the minions to run atleast a mile a day with me; even if they have other activities. And a treat at the end of it all – pedicures for all of us and a girls afternoon out!

In the pursuit of a gym bag that doesn’t look like one!

I’m lucky to have a great gym at my work building and I usually drop my bag in the morning for a lunchtime workout. But the gym instituted a new policy starting on April 1st that we could not leave our workout bags in the locker room before/after our workout. Not much of a big deal, but … I do NOT want to be seen going/coming back from the gym and being judged for it. Normally, I don’t care about appearances and I have an awesome team. But I also would like to keep my personal going-ons under wraps and not come under the scrutiny of the one or two busybodies with the loudest voices that every workspace is bound to have. And hence I’m in the pursuit of a gym bag (with shoe compartment) that doesn’t look like one. I’ve had a lot of recommendations and I’m chasing them down one by one to see which one suits me best.

Gym Bag that doesn't like one
So many choices!!

Change in blogging focus

I’ve been on and off blogging these past 8-10 months – due to injuries and not wanting to whine about it all the time, and due to feeling that I don’t have anything interesting to say that others might want to read. But I do love writing and I miss that when my goal had become blogging for an audience. So instead, I’m going to change tracks a little bit and focus on WRITING. Writing for myself, writing what I want to write, putting my dreams, frustrations, ramblings to paper. Call it diary, journal, fitness, momlife, etc.

Name change?

That being said, I have been pondering if it is time for a new blog name. The FauxRunner was all things running obviously and also my triathlon adventures during my tri days. Of late, I’ve slowed down in the races I participate in even though my big goal is to finish the World Marathon Majors and then run in all the continents (although I might defer off Antarctica – I doubt I’ll make the cutoff of 6.5hrs while running on ice in frigid conditions). My training is largely routine driven and while I might try something new once in a while, nothing is earth shattering. The minions are growing up and they do have their sporting events and non-sporting events and I’d like to be able to capture it all someplace else other than Facebook. And we’ve been traveling as a family to some great destinations with wonderful adventures. But the non-sporty stuff doesn’t have it’s place in a running blog.

Runner, Triathlete, Mom, Vegetarian. Travel Junkie, and so much more – how do I chose a focus and still write for ME?

A shoutout to Janice of Salads4Lunch

You may have noticed the new blog header (with triathlete spelt in lower case – because I no longer do triathlons or because I didn’t proofread. You decide 😉 ). Something about the theme I was using on my wordpress was rendering the header image in low quality. It wasn’t anything to break it (and after all, content is more important) but it was driving me bonkers! Janice helped me figure out how to customize the CSS to make the header image crisp again! Thank you, Janice!

What do you think –

  1. Do I change the blog name to be more generic so everything has a place in it? Or do I leave the name be; especially since I have resolved to write more for myself rather than an audience, so who cares what it is called?
  2. What is your favorite gym bag (with shoe comparment) that doesn’t look like a gym bag and will let me escape my desk without appearing to go to the gym?

These are some of the weekly linkups hosted by great bloggers. Check out some of the posts in the linkups.

First Saturday of each month –Confessions of a Mother Runner and Coco at Got2Run4Me for The Ultimate Coffee Date.

Meatless Monday – Confessions of a Mother Runner and A Whisk and Two Wands
Tuesday Topics Linkup – KookyRunner and Zenaida

Running Coaches Corner – Coach Debbie Runs, Train with Marc, and Crazy Running Girl 

Fridays with  Fairytales and Fitness
Weekly Run Down Link Up  – Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim Runs On The Fly.

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